Introduction to Semiconductors: Properties, bonds and types of semiconductors.
• Semiconductor Diodes and Special Purpose Diodes: The pn junction diode: formation,
properties and V-I characteristics, Basic constructions, characteristics, operations and uses of
special diodes: Light-emitting diode (LED), Zener diode etc.
• Diode Application: Half-wave and full-wave rectifiers – operation and efficiency, Ripple factor,
Filter circuits – capacitor input filter, LC filter and Î -filter, Clipping and Clamping circuits,
Voltage regulation and regulator circuits - Zener diode and transistor voltage regulator.
• Bipolar Junction Transistors: npn and pnp transistors, amplifying and switching actions of
transistor, transistor characteristics in CB, CE & CC configurations, transistor load line and
Operating point.
• BJT Biasing: Faithful amplification, inherent variation of transistor parameters and thermal
runway, stabilization and stability factor, methods of BJT biasing, analysis and design of biasing
• Single Stage Transistor Amplifier: Single stage amplifier circuit, phase reversal, dc and ac
equivalent circuits, load line analysis, voltage gain and power gain, classification of amplifiers,
amplifier equivalent circuits.
Introduction to Semiconductors
Semiconductors are a special class of elements having a conductivity between that of a good conductor and
that of an insulator.
Semiconductor materials fall into one of two classes (based on the structure):
1. Single-crystal semiconductors such as germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) have a repetitive crystal
2. Compound semiconductors such as gallium arsenide (GaAs), cadmium sulfide (CdS), gallium
nitride (GaN), and gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP) are constructed of two or more
semiconductor materials of different atomic structures.
The three semiconductors used most frequently in the construction of electronic devices are Ge, Si, and
A brief history
Initially Germanium was the choice to construct devices. Then came silicon which gained popularity due
to being less sensitive to temperature changes. Finally came the issue of speed with the introduction of
computers and communication devices. GaAs transistors were introduced which had speed of operation up
to 5 times of Si. But Si still remained popular with the advantage of cheaper manufacturing and efficient
design process. Today GaAs has finally emerged as a base material for new high-speed, very large scale
integrated (VLSI) circuit design. However, Si is still the fundamental building block for Intel’s new line of
Covalent Bond
To fully appreciate why Si, Ge, and GaAs are the semiconductors of choice for the electronics industry
requires some understanding of the atomic structure of each and how the atoms are bound together to form
a crystalline structure. The fundamental components of an atom are the electron, proton, and neutron. In
the lattice structure, neutrons and protons form the nucleus and electrons appear in fixed orbits around the
nucleus. The Bohr model for the three materials is provided in Fig. 1.3.
As indicated in Fig. 1.3 , silicon has 14 orbiting electrons, germanium has 32 electrons, gallium has 31
electrons, and arsenic has 33 orbiting electrons (arsenic that is a very poisonous chemical agent). For
germanium and silicon there are four electrons in the outermost shell, which are referred to as valence
electrons . Gallium has three valence electrons and arsenic has five valence electrons. Atoms that have four
valence electrons are called tetravalent , those with three are called trivalent , and those with five are called
pentavalent . The term valence is used to indicate that the potential (ionization potential) required to remove
any one of these electrons from the atomic structure is significantly lower than that required for any other
electron in the structure.
In a pure silicon or germanium crystal the four valence electrons of one atom form a bonding arrangement
with four adjoining atoms, as shown in Fig. 1.4 .
This bonding of atoms, strengthened by the sharing of electrons between neighboring atoms, is called
covalent bonding.
Because GaAs is a compound semiconductor, there is sharing between the two different atoms, as shown
in Fig. 1.5 . Each atom, gallium or arsenic, is surrounded by atoms of the complementary type. There is still
a sharing of electrons similar in structure to that of Ge and Si, but now five electrons are provided by the
As atom and three by the Ga atom.
Although the covalent bond will result in a stronger bond between the valence electrons and their parent
atom, it is still possible for the valence electrons to absorb sufficient kinetic energy from external natural
causes to break the covalent bond and assume the “free” state. The term free is applied to any electron that
has separated from the fixed lattice structure and is very sensitive to any applied electric fields such as
established by voltage sources or any difference in potential. The external causes include effects such as
light energy in the form of photons and thermal energy (heat) from the surrounding medium.
One important and interesting difference between semiconductors and conductors is their reaction to the
application of heat. For conductors, the resistance increases with an increase in heat. This is because the
numbers of carriers in a conductor do not increase significantly with temperature, but their vibration pattern
about a relatively fixed location makes it increasingly difficult for a sustained flow of carriers through the
material. Materials that react in this manner are said to have a positive temperature coefficient.
Semiconductor materials, however, exhibit an increased level of conductivity with the application of heat.
As the temperature rises, an increasing number of valence electrons absorb sufficient thermal energy to
break the covalent bond and to contribute to the number of free carriers. Therefore: Semiconductor materials
have a negative temperature coefficient.
Semiconductors can be classified as (based on purity):
• Intrinsic Semiconductors
• Extrinsic Semiconductors
Intrinsic materials are those semiconductors that have a very low level of impurities , whereas extrinsic
materials are semiconductors that have been exposed to a doping process. Doping is a technique used to
vary the number of electrons and holes in semiconductors.
Energy Levels
The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the higher is the energy state, and any electron that has left its
parent atom has a higher energy state than any electron in the atomic structure.
Fig: conduction and valence bands of an insulator, a semiconductor, and a conductor.
Silicon semiconductors
n-type and p-type materials
The characteristics of a semiconductor material can be altered significantly by the addition of specific
impurity atoms (doping) to the relatively pure semiconductor material (intrinsic).
A semiconductor material that has been subjected to the doping process is called an extrinsic material.
There are two extrinsic materials of immeasurable importance to semiconductor device fabrication: n -type
and p -type materials.
n-type material
An n -type material is created by introducing impurity elements that have five valence electrons (
pentavalent ), such as antimony , arsenic , and phosphorus. The effect of such impurity elements is indicated
in Fig. 1.7 (using antimony as the impurity in a silicon base). Note that the four covalent bonds are still
present. There is, however, an additional fifth electron due to the impurity atom, which is unassociated with
any particular covalent bond. This remaining electron, loosely bound to its parent (antimony) atom, is
relatively free to move within the newly formed n -type material.
Diffused impurities with five valence electrons are called donor atoms. The net result, therefore, is that the
number of electrons far outweighs the number of holes. For this reason: In an n-type material the electron
is called the majority carrier and the hole the minority carrier.
p-type material
The p -type material is formed by doping a pure germanium or silicon crystal with impurity atoms having
three valence electrons. The elements most frequently used for this purpose are boron , gallium , and indium.
The effect of one of these elements, boron, on a base of silicon is indicated in Fig. 1.9 . Note that there is
now an insufficient number of electrons to complete the covalent bonds of the newly formed lattice. The
resulting vacancy is called a hole and is represented by a small circle or a plus sign, indicating the absence
of a negative charge. Since the resulting vacancy will readily accept a free electron: The diffused impurities
with three valence electrons are called acceptor atoms. For the p -type material the number of holes far
outweighs the number of electrons. Therefore: In a p-type material the hole is the majority carrier, and the
electron is the minority carrier.