Led Blinking project using Arduino UNO


Led Blinking project using Arduino UNO



For this project we need

Components Required

1.    1  LED

2.    1 Resistor, 330 Ohm

3.    Breadboard

4.    Arduino UNO R4 or earlier versions.

5.    Connecting  wires




We have to make set up as this

We have to upload the sketch at proteus 8 professional

To create a circuit diagram for an LED blinking project using an Arduino

Steps to Build the Circuit:


1. Place the Components on the Breadboard:

    - Insert the LED into the breadboard. Ensure the longer leg (anode) is on the left side and the shorter leg (cathode) is on the right side.

    - Insert one end of the resistor into the breadboard, connecting it to the same row as the anode of the LED.


2. Connect the Resistor to the Arduino:

    - Use a jumper wire to connect the other end of the resistor to the digital pin 13 on the Arduino.


3. Connect the Cathode of the LED to Ground:

    - Use another jumper wire to connect the cathode of the LED to the GND (ground) pin on the Arduino.



Additional Tips:

- Ensure the resistor is correctly connected in series with the LED to prevent it from burning out.

- Double-check all connections before powering the Arduino to avoid short circuits.


Following these steps, you can create a clear and precise circuit diagram for an LED blinking project using an Arduino.



Next we have to upload the hardware working code in Arduino uno


int myLEDPIN = 9 ;

int myCount =0;


void setup() {



  pinMode(myLEDPIN, OUTPUT);



void loop() {






  digitalWrite(myLEDPIN, LOW);      




  myCount = myCount + 1 ;




We must have to make sure that the code pin and the physical pin is same otherwise we will no see the led blinking


Next we have the plug the circuit diagram of blinking light with computer and upload the code into arduino uno software and run .If the led blinks that satisfies the experiment

The image you sent is a circuit diagram for a blinking LED project using an Arduino Uno. Here’s a breakdown of the components you’ll need and the steps to follow to build it:.

How it works

The code defines a constant called ledPin which is set to 9. This tells the code that the LED is connected to digital pin 9 on the Arduino Uno.

The setup() function is called once when the program starts. It sets the ledPin to be an output pin. This means that the Arduino Uno can control the voltage on that pin to turn the LED on or off.

The loop() function is called repeatedly over and over again. In the loop, the code sets the ledPin to HIGH. This turns on the LED. The delay(1000) function then pauses the program for 1 second (1000 milliseconds). After 1 second, the code sets the ledPin to LOW, which turns off the LED. There is then another delay(1000) function, so the program pauses for another second before turning the LED on again.

This cycle of turning the LED on, waiting for one second, turning it off, and waiting for another second continues forever, which makes the LED blink on and off.

You can change the blinking speed of the LED by changing the value in the delay() function. For example, if you change the value to delay(500), the LED will blink on and off twice as fast.

again steps:


  1. Connect the resistor to the breadboard. Insert one leg of the resistor into any row of the breadboard.

  2. Connect the anode (positive leg) of the LED to the resistor. The anode is the longer leg of the LED. You can usually identify it by the flat side on the plastic casing of the LED.

  3. Connect the other leg of the resistor to a digital pin on the Arduino Uno. In the image, the LED is connected to digital pin 13. Digital pins are the pins that can be set to either high (5V) or low (0V) to control external devices.

  4. Connect the cathode (negative leg) of the LED to ground (GND) on the Arduino Uno. The cathode is the shorter leg of the LED.

  5. Connect the Arduino Uno to your computer using a USB cable.








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